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Internet advertising at very competitive rates! Start promoting your interests and transgender- and LGBTQ+-related websites to our growing number of visitors and members. All ads are randomly selected and displayed on most pages throughout With each page refresh, a new ad or set of ads are randomly selected and displayed. Select a 30-Day advertising plan or one of the discounted advertising plans that best fit your Internet marketing needs. All ads are reviewed before approval and cannot be changed once approved. The number of days for each advertising plan represents the total number of days your ad will be active. For example, a 60-Day advertising plan that starts today (Mar 14, 2025) will expire on May 13, 2025. Contact us if you need assistance with designing your banner.

Note: Advertising banners are not displayed on the home page. We do not accept ads that link to sexually explicit content or products, and ads must not contain offensive language, nudity or illegal content. Also, we are not responsible for content displayed on other websites nor do we specifically endorse an advertisement displayed on

Advertising Plan Information

Your ad will start displaying once it has been approved and the full payment has been processed. An email will be sent to you alerting you of the status of your advertising banner. Make sure you can receive email from

Note: Refunds will not be provided once the payment has been processed and the advertisement has been approved.

Top Banner: $68.00 for 90 Days (Daily Cost: $0.76)

Fields marked with * are required.

Acceptable Filetypes: jpg, jpeg, png, gif
Banner must not exceed 468px in width, 60px in height and 28kb in size.

PayPal (preferred)

Mailed payments should be in the form of a Cashier's Check, Personal or Business Check, or Money Order.

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